Mumbwa Town Council like any other Council provides quality services to the residents and everyone who conduct business in the district of Mumbwa.
The Mumbwa Town Council Library is a social facility based at the welfare hall. The library has a variety of books ranging from academics, historical, government documents, brochures, newspapers, magazines and many more. The Library operates from Monday to Saturday from 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs.The library charges user fees as follows:
The Council is running a pre-school which was officially launched by the Minister of Local Government Hon. Vincent Mwale in 2018. The school is situated between the Lacienda hotel and the Town Square. It has three classes namely: Baby class, Middle class and Reception Class.
The pre-school conducts a variety of activities such as Educational trips and tours to enrich the pupils in all faculties of their education. Graduation ceremonies are conducted at the end of the academic year for successful pupils to transcend to another grade.
As a Local Authority, waste management remains one of the key public services been offered. Mumbwa Council has gone into a franchise with two (2) companies to ensure efficiency and effective service delivery. The Council provides public bins to ensure cleanliness of the streets. Additionally, the Council has a designated dumpsite for disposal of waste.
In the spirit of environmental awareness and cleanliness, Mumbwa has adopted a “Keep Mumbwa Clean and green” campaign. This follows the presidential directive of maintaining hygiene and planning trees to curb the effects of climate change. This campaign involves street sweeping and maintenance of cleanliness in public places as well as tree planting.
Mumbwa Town Council
Mumbwa District
Central Province
Tel: 260211800074
P.O. Box: 830001
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