Mumbwa District is situated in Central Province of Zambia with a total population of 332,237 based on the 2022 CSO and lies one hundred and fifty kilometres west of Lusaka city, the capital of Zambia. Mumbwa district shares borders with Nkeyema in the west, Itezhi-tezhi, Shibuyunji and Namwala in the South, Chibombo in the north east, Ngabwe and Kasempa to the North. It is located between longitudes 25o15’ and 27o 40’ east of Greenwich Meridian and between 14o8’ and 15o50’ south of the Equator.
The district is currently divided into two (2) constituencies, namely Mumbwa and Nangoma. The constituencies are further divided into 21 administrative wards. Mumbwa has twelve (12) wards namely Mpusu, Kalwanyembe, Kamilambo, Mumba, Shimbizhi, Mupona, Nambala, Lutale, Chibolyo, Naluvwi, Nalusanga and Makebo. Nangoma has Nine (9) wards namely Nalubanda, Choma, Keezwa, Chisalu, Myooye, Shichanzu, Nangoma, Nakasaka and Matala.
The district has a total land expanse of approximately 19.643.8KM2 out of which 8,632 Km2 is arable land while 11.011 KM2 constitute National Park and Game Management Areas.
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